Zico Standard


Reach a New Audience with Zico Standard.

Gallery Showcase: Have your artwork featured prominently in the ZicoArt Gallery.
Inspire Creativity: Share your expertise by offering art lessons, connecting with and inspiring emerging artists.
Worldwide Recognition: Gain exposure on our globally aggregated platform, showcasing your art to a worldwide audience.

Join Zico Standard and let the world see your art in a new light!

Zico Premium


Amplify Your Art with Zico Premium

Trending Spotlight: Get your artwork featured on the ZicoArt Trending Artists list, highlighting your work to enthusiasts and collectors.
Social Media Buzz: Benefit from targeted social media paid ads, increasing your visibility and reach.
Exclusive Marketing: Be a part of the ZicoArt marketing emails list, directly reaching a curated audience of art lovers.

Expand your presence in the art world with Zico Premium today!

Zico Plus


Maximize Your Reach with Zico Plus

Bestseller Feature: Be featured and promoted among the top 100 bestselling artists on ZicoArt, a mark of excellence and prestige.
Premium Advertising: Enjoy prime placement in the ZicoArt paid ad section, ensuring maximum visibility.
Engage Through Lessons: Offer art lessons, connecting and sharing your skills with a passionate community.
Social Media Advantage: Leverage the power of social media paid ads for broader outreach.

Step into the spotlight with Zico Plus. Sign up now!

Zico Global


Ascend to Global Art Authority with Zico Global

Prime Landing Page Placement: Be prominently featured on the ZicoArt landing page, capturing immediate attention.
Worldwide Platform Promotion: Get featured on our globally aggregated platform, showcasing your art internationally.
Exclusive Advertising: Benefit from being exclusively featured in the ZicoArt paid ads section.
Global Marketing Network: Be a part of the ZicoArt global marketing emails list, reaching audiences worldwide.

Join Zico Global and take your art worldwide!

Zico Business


Gain Corporate Connections with Zico Business

Corporate Sales Channel: Directly sell your artwork to corporations, resorts, and more reaching new lucrative markets.
Top 100 Recognition: Be featured on the top 100 bestselling artists on ZicoArt, a testament to your art’s appeal.
Exclusive Gallery Features: Enjoy the prestige of being showcased in our Featured Galleries section.
Affiliate Marketing Edge: Benefit from our robust affiliate marketing strategies, expanding your reach and profits.

Expand your horizons with Zico Business. Enroll now!

Zico Lux


Elite Exposure with Zico Lux

Private Buyer Network: Get your artwork promoted and featured to our top private buyers.
Direct Outreach: ZicoArt will directly reach out to exclusive clientele, including interior designers, architects, art dealers, art buyers, and art lovers on your behalf.
Prestigious Placement: Experience elevated benefits and association with high-end art connoisseurs and collectors.

Elevate to elite with our Zico Lux package. Experience the pinnacle of art promotion.

Why Choose ZicoArt's Promotional Packages for Artists, Galleries, and Interior Designers

When selling art, visibility is as crucial as talent. ZicoArt’s promotional packages are meticulously designed to elevate the visibility and impact of artists, galleries, and interior designers so they can connect with their ideal audience efficiently. Here’s why investing in ZicoArt’s promotional packages is a strategic move for success:

Unparalleled Visibility

ZicoArt’s promotional packages, from Zico Standard to Zico Lux, offer varying levels of exposure, ensuring that your work is seen by a wider audience. Whether you’re an emerging artist, a well-established gallery, or an interior designer looking to showcase your portfolio, ZicoArt places your work on a global stage. This visibility helps reach potential buyers and collaborators who are actively seeking stand-out art and design services.

Tailored Marketing Strategies

Understanding that one size does not fit all, we offer customized promotional strategies across different packages. From gallery showcases and trending spotlights to direct outreach to private buyers and corporate sales channels, each package is designed to meet specific needs and goals. Our bespoke approach ensures that every campaign is as unique as the artwork it promotes to maximize engagement and interest.

Enhanced Credibility and Prestige

Being featured on ZicoArt significantly boosts your credibility in the art and design market. Special features like our Bestseller Feature and Top 100 Recognition lend an additional layer of prestige by marking your work as among the best available and acts as a powerful tool in attracting discerning clients and collectors.

Comprehensive Support and Analytics

Beyond promotional visibility, ZicoArt provides comprehensive support and analytics, allowing you to track the success of your campaigns and adjust your strategies as needed. A data-driven approach ensures that your promotional efforts are expansive and effective to maximize your return on investment.

Community and Networking Opportunities

ZicoArt’s platform is more than a marketplace—we’re a vibrant community of art lovers, professionals, and enthusiasts. Promotional packages offer unique networking opportunities, connecting you with like-minded individuals and potential collaborators, from exclusive marketing to global marketing networks. Our community fosters collaboration, inspiration, and growth to further enrich your professional experience.

Direct Sales and Revenue Growth

Ultimately, the goal of ZicoArt’s promotional packages is to drive sales and revenue growth. By enhancing visibility, credibility, and engagement, these packages directly contribute to increased sales opportunities, whether through direct purchases, commissioned projects, or collaborative ventures.
Investing in ZicoArt’s promotional packages offers increased visibility while strategically positioning your art or services in a competitive market so that you not only reach but resonate with your target audience. Purchase a ZicoArt Promotional Package today and let us help you turn your artistic passion into professional success!